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WPWakanda Case Study

WPWakanda Case Study

Table of Contents

What is WPWakanda?

WPWakanda stands for “WebProsWakanda” in which case we have a varying range of services that are geared towards the internet. WPWakanda started off in 2019 Jesse Afolabi with a team of passionate techs who have honed their skills across the board. We remain cognizant of the inherent potential that our brand name grants us to the degree of branching out to other forms of sub services that are geared towards a variety of use cases to satisfy a unique identity on the internet facilitated with the help of established BaaS, PaaS, frameworks and many more tools we can’t even begin to list. The WPWakanda system has been optimized for our sister platforms as well as our integrated services.

Our other platforms:



More than an agency

Take your time to discover what we have to offer as a company. There’s more to our name than meets then eye

Integrated Services currently under WPWakanda include the following:

Take your time to interact with the bot!



Still your agency

Although we pride ourselves in our varying undertakings, we are especially proud about the tools we’ve gathered together for our use here at WPWakanda which is what we’re now bundling as a team to help you succeed in your online endeavors.

Screenshots plus video:

Check out a quick video here! Screenshots below for your viewing pleasure as well!

Future potential:

We are actively exploring ways we can branch out to serve our long term vision on what we intend to accomplish for the sake of potentially rendering our services to millions across the board!

Table of Contents

Digital solutions that bring results
Strategy, technology and design are the cornerstones of the development of strong online solutions that support and strengthen our customers’ business

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